ALF - Corporate Records and Business Law
ALF is a document generation software used by Corporate Records and Business Law
The ALF software is usually installed for the Corporate Records Team, so it is good to check with the user, Bernadette Kilfoy, or Heather Medeiros if the app needs to be installed.
There is also an internal website,; the business law team uses this website to access minutes books created by the ALF app.
Users need to be added to the ALFUsers in Active Directory.
Only the Corporate Records Team needs the ALF App installed.
To install the ALF for the Corporate Records Team:
Go to this location and run the installed as administrator:
\\mc-fps01\ALF\ALF data\Updates\ALF3Update.exe
Once the installation is done, you need to copy the ALFSys file into the Windows program install folder. The sys file is configured for SSO purposes.
The sys file is located in:
\\mc-fps01\install$\Applications\ALF\ALF Corp and Admin
For Web access to ALF, you need to use the ALFAdmin app:
- Setup new user in ALFadmin (Eric/CorpRec can set this up)
Click Users, Groups, Offices tab
Click Users
Click New to add a new user
Click the ‘…’ button to search for/add new user and their info
Sign-in name matches their Windows username- uses SSO, don’t need to enter password
Permission examples:
Administrator (Eric/Heather/Bernadette)
Users (Paula/Bisi)
Read-Only (Corporate Lawyers and Assistants using the ALF Explorer web based corporate search)