Outlook - Outlook Mobile App for iPhone - How to Change your Signature
1) Open an existing email that contains your signature, then Select and Copy your signature.
2) Click the
icon next to the folder name to bring up the side-menu.
3) Click the
Gear Icon (Settings) in the bottom-left.
4) Scroll down to the
Email section and click
Delete the current signature that says 'Get Outlook for iOS'.
Paste the signature that we copied earlier.
Note: iPhones will remove any logos from the signature. Example:
Firstname Lastname | Title
Direct 403 XXX XXXX | Main 403 278 9411 | Fax 403 271 1769
300, 14505 Bannister Road SE, Calgary AB, T2X 3J3
6) Click back and close out of the settings window.
Your iPhone's Outlook signature is now set.